Over the last 15 years of my career…

salon adele

Wow. When I think about my journey behind the chair doing what I love, I am so blessed in so many ways.

Hello, I’m Adelle, owner of Salon Adelle in Greenville SC. I started with nothing. I had no money and very little to my name, but I knew I loved my career and making others happy. I realized very early on this was my calling in life. I found so much joy in transforming the overall look of the individual in my chair.

Over the last 15 years of my career, I’ve had ups and downs. I have wanted to quit a bunch of times, but I also love challenges and it pushes me to work harder and push through the times of discouragement. I’ve had so many highs as well.

I never really wanted to open my own salon but as my my clientele grew so did my desire to have my own brand. That’s when the adventures really started! I was wildly successful as an independent stylist and made a killing so naturally I thought having my own salon would be the same. Boy was I mistaken.

I measure success totally different now than I did back then. Success to me now is constantly changing. It changes as you go through different walks of life. I was successful then and successful now but in totally different ways. I am so proud of the team I have now. I coach them individually to be better stylists and overcome the challenges of our industry. I create a journey for them to grow and ultimately they make more money as a stylist. If I could give you 3 tips on how to be a successful hair dresser they would be…

  1. ALWAYS pre-book your guest before they leave! Our industry standard average is 30% or less for pre-booking. That’s totally insane! By pre-booking your guest, you are ensuring your paycheck weeks from now. Not only that, but you are the professional, it’s your job to tell your guest how to maintain their color by coming back in ____ weeks.
  2. Have written goals for yourself and make yourself stretch to reach those goals. If you don’t set written goals, then how do you know where you are going. Take charge of your life by setting goals every single month to beat the month prior. This ensures amazing growth month to month.
  3. Find your niche. Pick something you are really great at and specialize in it. I did this with extensions 12 years ago when they weren’t very popular.  It set me apart from other salons and stylist in my area. Now we are widely known for hair extensions and 90% of our guests have them. We are very good at it, but we also put a lot of education and training into being experts in this field.

Lastly, but not least I cannot write this without giving God the total credit for everything. It’s so cool to watch as he has molded me into the boss and leader that I am today. It’s been the hardest journey I’ve ever been on, but by far the most rewarding.

In 2013 when I opened the salon I did NOT know how to be a leader. I was a boss and that’s all. There is a huge difference between the two. A boss pushes from behind and everyone fears them. A leader sets the pace of the pack and leads by example. Little did I know I was about to go through the hardest transformation of my life, but also the most exciting and exhilarating.  My husband got sick in 2016 which left me to run the salon by myself with 5 team members. I didn’t know the first thing about dealing with my team. I use to say, “I just want to work behind the chair and that’s all.” I was scared to death. I was already enrolled in a class called Advanced Leadership by Inspiring Champions and it couldn’t have come at a better time. This class taught me how to be a leader and coach my team. Wow was there a transformation that even I can’t believe. I am not the same person I was 3 years ago. I am totally different and so much more compassionate with my team. I am still learning daily how to be a better leader to my team and I make mistakes regularly, but I learn from those mistakes each time. I am far from perfect, but my team gives me an amazing amount of grace and they allow me to be human. I now coach my team full time and run the business side of the salon beside my amazing husband. God healed him and I am so thankful to have him by my side. I only work 2 days a week behind the chair and the rest is spent growing the business which I was not able to do when I worked behind the chair full time. I LOVE my business days and plan to accomplish so much this year!

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. There is so much more to it than what I have written here, but God is still writing my story and I look forward to what He has in store for me.


Owner of Salon Adelle


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